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506:  Toolbox for the Therapist – 15 hours

506: Toolbox for the Therapist – 15 hours

Learn how to use the power of music therapy as a medium of communication and a strategy for refocusing attention, and a method of evoking memories; learn the powerful tool of art therapy to help your clients tap into their rich inner resources for understanding and healing, providing a visual explanation of what is going on inside their minds and assisting in getting in touch with their feelings; learn the medium of coloring therapy and the archetypal image of the mandala as an expression of the self.  Learn how to utilize games and pictures to assist your client in self-discovery and resolving conflicts in their lives. 


    Upon purchasing an individual course, you will receive an email instructing you to contact Judy Ward, the instructor, to schedule when you will meet for the online portions of the course.  Course material will be sent to you by email.

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