Online Courses Include:
Comprehensive training materials
Videos of live demonstrations
Live meetings with instructor for each class
Online discussions with instructor and other students
Online demonstrations of techniques
Unlimited phone and email support
Continued mentoring after graduation
Monthly support group meetings
Certified Hypnotherapist Training


Our professional training provides you with step-by-step instructions and the skills needed in order to become an effective and successful certified hypnotherapist.
We begin with the basics of hypnosis and trance induction; teach you effective counseling skills that allow you to build rapport with your clients; teach you various interactive hypnotherapy techniques that help clients tap into their own inner resources that allow them to deal with their fears, self-esteem and other issues for which they have sought help from a hypnotherapist; and finally, offer instruction on how to build a hypnotherapy practice.
Our professional training is offered in four different venues:

Judy Ward, CHT is the founder and director of the Hypnotherapy Institute. She is nationally certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, HypnoAnaesthesia Therapist, and Stress Management Consultant. She is a board approved Hypnotherapy Instructor and Designated Examiner by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. She has maintained a private hypnotherapy practice since 1989, has been teaching hypnotherapy since 1994, and is a frequent guest speaker for college classes and various civic organizations. Her continuing commitment to her own healing work, along with her nurturing and stimulating approach to teaching, provides students with a powerful learning experience.

Our Philosophy
Our philosophy is that peace of mind is an inside job. It is not to be found from outside of ourselves. No one can give it to us. We must find it within ourselves. We believe that if a person has a 'problem,' this person is ultimately the only one who holds the appropriate 'answer' within their subconscious mind. We also believe that a person is more than the content of their experiences, beliefs, thoughts, and emotions. Therefore, rather than assume that the hypnotherapist (or anyone else) has the remedy for another person's problems, we train the hypnotherapist to assist the client in exploring the faulty core beliefs within their subconscious mind that are currently governing their responses to life, and then accessing their inner resources in order to recover their authentic selves.
Further, we believe that it is inappropriate to expect a client to explore something we are not willing to explore ourselves, so we provide students with the opportunity to do their own 'inner work' during their lessons, while they are learning to assist others in accessing their power within.